Synopsis: A young woman begins to believe her new home is haunted but soon she wonders if the ghosts are in her house..., in her mind..., or in her past.
Starring: Abigail Mittel, Richard Gunn, Erika Bruun-Andersen
Directed by: Barbara Stepansky
Produced by: Juliane Crump, Matt Harry, Barbara Stepansky
Screenplay by: Matt Harry
Production Company: Hive Mind
Notes: HD, DVD extras available: bloopers, deleted scenes, commentary
Distribution: Licensed to Itunes, Vudu, Rovi, Playstation Network, Google Play,
CinemaNow & UK rights sold; All other rights available worldwide
Synopsis: Twelve astronauts volunteer to start a colony on a newly discovered planet. They awake from their frozen 15
year sleep to discover that the ship has crashed and that they are trapped in their cryotubes. Then a hairy beast breaks in and begins
devouring them, one by one....
Starring: Tim Daley, Jason Hall, Sheila Conway
Directed by: Mike Conway
Producer(s): Mike Conway, Paul Folger (Siren)
Screenplay: Mike Conway
Production Company: Midnight Sun Entertainment
Notes: Awarded 3rd Place at 2003 ManiaFest; Shot on 16mm film with
CGI effects added; DigiBeta NTSC Master; DigitBeta PAL Master; M&E available; DVD master and extras available
Distribution: Released on DVD in US &
Canada by Lionsgate as War of the Planets; Sold Thailand; Sold Japan DVD & TV; Sold UK rights; All other rights available worldwide
Synopsis: Two young men set off to explore the countryside before going away to college.
One (Bruce Campbell) finds romance, while the other finds a father figure. Four years later they go back
to recapture the feelings of that summer, but find things have changed.
Starring:Bruce Campbell (Burn Notice, Spiderman, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Evil Dead)
and Christopher Howe
Directed by: Ron Teachworth
Producer(s): Jill Teachworth, Ron Teachworth
Screenplay by: Ron Teachworth
Production Company: R.S.T. Productions
Distribution: Sold US/Canada DVD; Licensed to Playstation, Amazon Instant, Google Play & Vudu; All other rights available worldwide.
Synopsis: Setting out to start a new life on the prairie, a young couple is terrorized
by the evil in their new home.
Starring: Summer Sawyer and Steve Millin
Directed by: Chad Smith
Producer(s): Chad Smith
Screenplay by: Chad Smith
Production Company: Monkey Angel Studios
Notes: Shot on Digital Video; M&E available; DigiBeta NTSC & PAL Masters; Won "Best Narrative Film" at
Fitchburg Film Festival; Featured Roma Film Festival; Featured DC Film Festival 2005
Distribution: Sold US/Canada DVD; Licensed to CinemaNow, Amazon Video; Sold UK; Sold Russia; Sold Eastern Europe; All other rights available.
Synopsis: In the mystical realm of Ryntia, the forces of the underworld are aligning to unleash a plague of evil upon the surface.
Guided by fragmented visions, a mysterious Oracle gathers seven unlikely heroes to face the threat. ...but first they must
embark upon a quest to find the legendary seven swords of Draconus.
Synopsis: Korean martial arts master comes to U.S. searching for his missing sister and teams up with American police detective, whose sister
was recently killed. Together they uncover a world of women chained in dungeons and human experimentation.
Starring: Julian Lee (Tiger Street, My Samurai), Barbara Gehring, and Trygve Lode (The Shadow Walkers)
Directed by: Mark Steven Grove (Warrior River, 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain, Mad Love)
Producer(s): Darlene Cypser
Screenplay: Robert Gosnell (Escape from Wildcat Canyon, Firewalker)
Production company: Inferno Film Productions, LLC
Notes: Shot on 16mm film; 35mm IN and 35mm prints of feature and trailer available;
NTSC Digibeta & Beta SP, PAL DigiBeta & Beta SP video masters; Dolby Digital 5.1
and Prologic Soundtrack; M&E; and DVD master & extras available
Distribution: Sold Thailand; Sold India; Sold US/Canada DVD; All other rights available